Wednesday 31 July 2019

Boosting your metabolism using EFT

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To lose weight and keep it off you really need a good metabolism.  If you have an underactive thyroid, or are older + a variety of other reasons, your metabolism may be slow and it won't burn off the calories and that equals weight gain - that stays firmly put!  The best way I find to boost your metabolism is by using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT for short).  To begin with you will need to do every day but after a couple of months I would suggest once a week for maintenance.  EFT is really easy and there are full instructions in my book, Unlock your maximum weight loss potential, so I am not going to list the tapping points in this blog.

How to begin:

1. I would suggest that you sit quietly, close your eyes and ask your soul out of 100% what your metabolism is working at and go with the first number that comes up.  If you dont get an answer, guess what you think it might be.  Dont go for 100% to begin with, start with 5% above what you are getting and then build up.  Ask your soul what may be the reasons and include them in your tapping statements.  Again if you get nothing try and guess what they might be or just say metabolism and see what comes up.

2. Using the set up phrase say these three phrases:

"Even thought my metabolism is only working at 80%, I deeply and utterly love and accept myself and my metabolism"

"Even though my metabolism STILL only works at 80%, I deeply and utterly love and accept myself and my metabolism"

"Even though my metabolism STILL only works at 80%, I now CHOOSE that it works at 85% permanently and I am eliminating all the reasons why it is not working efficiently"

3. Using the tapping points you can use the following phrases:

a. I release all the trauma as to why my metabolism doesnt work properly
b. I release all of my stuck emotions etc
c. I release my need for my metabolism to work slowly
d. I release the need for protection which is keeping my weight high
e. I release all my patterns, blocks, fears etc

Do at least three rounds per session and ask every day if the percentage has gone up.  Once it has gone up you can then change it to increase by another 5%.  This is brilliant and everybody should use EFT - I would also combine it with other weight loss issues like overeating or comfort eating.

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