Wednesday 24 July 2019

Why daily journalling will help your lose weight

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To track what you are eating, your reactions to foods and your triggers to overeating, it is essential that you keep some form of journal.  This will give you motivation and encourage you to keep going - and to see what external forces are in play and stopping you sticking to your new healthy plan.  Once a week add your weight and your measurements so you can see the loss.  I dont believe in weighing each day as water can add a few pounds and then you will get despondant.  My book is packed full of information like this and so much more!

1. What you eat

Because it is very easy to snack and not know the full amount of what you are eating, it is a good idea to keep a food diary and roughly work out the calories.  So if you go over your limit one day you know to cut back immediately.  If it helps take a photo of what you are eating for each meal - this can really surprise you when you see the quantity!

2. Reactions to food

This means that you can immediately see if you have a reaction to a food/drink type - especially something filling you with water, bloating or actually putting on weight - and you can then eliminate it from your diet.  It also helps to see if combination of different foods cause a problem.  Bread and cheese may be ok but when you combine them into a sandwich they cause you problems

3. Hormones

This also helps track your cycle so you can see if you add any exta water or want to eat more at certain times - or crave certain foods.  Once again when you know this you can use EFT to help with the symptoms and the cravings

4. Emotions

If you write down how you feel every day it is much clearer how stressed you are and why you may overeat for comfort or emotionally.  This could be connected to your cycle or something completely different.  Once you have identified the triggers you can then use other techniques to release them and not use food

5. Exercise

Write down all exercise so you can see if you need to change what you do or increase.  Also track why you dont why to exercise on particular days

6. So you can see how far you have come

Using a journal is good for seeing how far you have come because it is very easy to forget.  You will see that you have tamed your emotions, lost weight and toned up and this will keep you firm to keep going!

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