Wednesday 31 July 2019

Boosting your metabolism using EFT

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To lose weight and keep it off you really need a good metabolism.  If you have an underactive thyroid, or are older + a variety of other reasons, your metabolism may be slow and it won't burn off the calories and that equals weight gain - that stays firmly put!  The best way I find to boost your metabolism is by using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT for short).  To begin with you will need to do every day but after a couple of months I would suggest once a week for maintenance.  EFT is really easy and there are full instructions in my book, Unlock your maximum weight loss potential, so I am not going to list the tapping points in this blog.

How to begin:

1. I would suggest that you sit quietly, close your eyes and ask your soul out of 100% what your metabolism is working at and go with the first number that comes up.  If you dont get an answer, guess what you think it might be.  Dont go for 100% to begin with, start with 5% above what you are getting and then build up.  Ask your soul what may be the reasons and include them in your tapping statements.  Again if you get nothing try and guess what they might be or just say metabolism and see what comes up.

2. Using the set up phrase say these three phrases:

"Even thought my metabolism is only working at 80%, I deeply and utterly love and accept myself and my metabolism"

"Even though my metabolism STILL only works at 80%, I deeply and utterly love and accept myself and my metabolism"

"Even though my metabolism STILL only works at 80%, I now CHOOSE that it works at 85% permanently and I am eliminating all the reasons why it is not working efficiently"

3. Using the tapping points you can use the following phrases:

a. I release all the trauma as to why my metabolism doesnt work properly
b. I release all of my stuck emotions etc
c. I release my need for my metabolism to work slowly
d. I release the need for protection which is keeping my weight high
e. I release all my patterns, blocks, fears etc

Do at least three rounds per session and ask every day if the percentage has gone up.  Once it has gone up you can then change it to increase by another 5%.  This is brilliant and everybody should use EFT - I would also combine it with other weight loss issues like overeating or comfort eating.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Why daily journalling will help your lose weight

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To track what you are eating, your reactions to foods and your triggers to overeating, it is essential that you keep some form of journal.  This will give you motivation and encourage you to keep going - and to see what external forces are in play and stopping you sticking to your new healthy plan.  Once a week add your weight and your measurements so you can see the loss.  I dont believe in weighing each day as water can add a few pounds and then you will get despondant.  My book is packed full of information like this and so much more!

1. What you eat

Because it is very easy to snack and not know the full amount of what you are eating, it is a good idea to keep a food diary and roughly work out the calories.  So if you go over your limit one day you know to cut back immediately.  If it helps take a photo of what you are eating for each meal - this can really surprise you when you see the quantity!

2. Reactions to food

This means that you can immediately see if you have a reaction to a food/drink type - especially something filling you with water, bloating or actually putting on weight - and you can then eliminate it from your diet.  It also helps to see if combination of different foods cause a problem.  Bread and cheese may be ok but when you combine them into a sandwich they cause you problems

3. Hormones

This also helps track your cycle so you can see if you add any exta water or want to eat more at certain times - or crave certain foods.  Once again when you know this you can use EFT to help with the symptoms and the cravings

4. Emotions

If you write down how you feel every day it is much clearer how stressed you are and why you may overeat for comfort or emotionally.  This could be connected to your cycle or something completely different.  Once you have identified the triggers you can then use other techniques to release them and not use food

5. Exercise

Write down all exercise so you can see if you need to change what you do or increase.  Also track why you dont why to exercise on particular days

6. So you can see how far you have come

Using a journal is good for seeing how far you have come because it is very easy to forget.  You will see that you have tamed your emotions, lost weight and toned up and this will keep you firm to keep going!

Monday 22 July 2019

Why you should eat 5 veg and fruit not 5 fruit and veg!

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You always hear people say "I eat my 5 fruit and veg" but most of it is fruit.  Fruit is good for you but it is high in sugar, calories and doesnt have as many vitamins or minerals as veg.

Also 5 was a figure conjured up and is not even scienfically proven so you need to eat as much salad and veg as you can!  Although veg does have calories they are very low. Try to add veg to everything you consume......

Did you know that fruit can be 100 calories a piece - so if you have three pieces a day that is 300 calories (brilliant arent I!) where as three veg would be nearer 7! So when buying fruit buy smaller pieces so you get the vitamins but not the calories and you wont feel the different between a large banana and a small one!  So eat a maximum of two pieces of fruit a day and vary your choices during the week.

Also eat the fruit dont juice it - do you know that juicing loses the fibre and a lot of the goodness.  Also it can cause acid on the teeth and spike your blood sugar sending your insulin mad and you on a pathway to diabetes II or syndrome X (which is the precursor) - I do find that if I eat fruit in the morning I am starving, whereas if I have an egg I am full until lunch or beyond.  Everybody is different so you need to be aware of what you are eating and what affect it is having on your body.  This is why people started to put on weight with juices because of the calories of the fruit,nuts and coconut milk!

There is so much information like this in my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential to help you lose and maintain your weight loss.

Thursday 18 July 2019

Why you should have a multi faceted approach to weight loss

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I believe that you should use as many techniques as possible to lose weight and not to pay anything for them!  There is so much going on from beliefs, trauma, protection, cravings, perhaps past lives and ancestral issues that you will need to use everything at your disposal to eliminate these and program with the positive.

1.  Hypnosis cd - there are so many out there and I would suggest you make full use of them.  Why not program your mind while you are asleep (you have it on very very low as your subconscious will pick it up anyway).  I like the gastric band ones as well as emotional eating so use a couple.  I recommend Paul McKenna but there are loads free on youtube so see which ones you fancy and like.  I have listened to a couple I didnt like so I didnt continue

2. Subliminal software - you can download a free program which you configure for weight loss, confidence etc on your laptop/desktop so as you work you are being automatically reprogrammed - these are brilliant

3. Accupressure diagram - I have printed out a hand print of accupressure points (easier than the feet!) so I can stimulate the thyroid, endocrine system and lymphatic system which will help with weight and water loss

4. Essential oils - in my book I list the oils you need to use to decrease appetite, boost weight loss and confidence.  Buy the best you can as you will only need a couple of drops.  Follow the instructions in my book

5. Spells - there are a couple of spells in my book but there are plenty on the net - they are great fun and do work but you do need to keep doing them!

6. Crystals - I have already mentioned crystals but use they every days as per my previous instructions

Sunday 14 July 2019

Program a crystal to help you lose and maintain your weight!

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If you read the 'oggie googie' mags you will see that they tell you to buy a crystal for this and then another one for that - I have done this over the years and now have hundreds of crystals, most of which I dont know what they are or what they are for!

In my book, Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, I have an entire chapter on crystals and how they can help with appetite, weight loss, water retention and many other things.  However, today I just want to talk about how to buy one crystal and program it for everything that you need! How much cheaper and more productive is that!!

So either look at the crystals that you have or go into a specialist shop and stare at the crystals.  Is there one that is jumping out at you?  If you want to make, sure run your hand over them and see if one is hot or cold or attracts you in another way.  If one doesnt show itself, pick the one that you like the most, whatever the colour or size.  It is better to be reasonably small because I want you to carry it around with you so I dont want to weigh you down!  It is a good idea to write down the programming statements before you start as you want to cover all aspects from overeating to protection to health issues etc.  Break them down into as small portions as possible.

Instructions for programming:

Wash the crystal in luke warm water (if it is very delicate like a pearl you need to look up cleansing instructions on line) - this releases all negative energy from other owners or people who have handled it.
If you can put it in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours - this will really charge it up and energise it - if not it doesnt matter
Hold it in both hands and thank it for showing itself to you and then hold it to your heart.  Ask that in the future that is becomes self cleansing so if it picks up negativity it is immediately released
Now say something like, "I would like to program you to help me with the following"

supressing my appetite
releasing everything that is causing my excess weight
releasing everything that is causing my excess water
releasing everything that is stopping me being slim
releasing everything that is making me comfort/overeat and stopping me sticking to my diet
and anything else that you have written down
releasing all the trauma that has made me protection myself with fat
keep me motivated in my goals
keep me at my target weight
help me love myself whatever weight I am

Ask the crystal where it would like to be kept and see what answer you get.  If you dont get an answer then try to keep it down your bra or in a pocket.

You can program later on when your statements change and you may be shown that you need a new crystal.  For example you may need a crystal for helping your thyroid and metabolism and one to keep you on the straight and narrow.  This is soooooooooooo easy to do but so powerful!

Monday 8 July 2019

My new press release for my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential!

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So my press release is prepared and has now been sent out to the media - I am so excited!

What does it say?  It says how different my book is to anything else on the market.  That it treats everybody as an individual. That it gives you the tools to identify why you cant lose weight, lose weight and increase your metabolism and then keep it off for good.  It is important to identify the real reason (which can be sooooooooooooo many things - buy the book to find out!) otherwise the weight will never stay off and willpower will not work!  

Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential: New Book Empowers Readers to Become their Own Therapist and Keep off the Weight – for Life!

 Ann Parker’s ‘Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential: You Are Never Overweight for the Reason You Think You Are! Find Out How to Identify the Real Reasons You Can't Lose Weight and Be Slim for Life!’ does exactly as it says on the cover. Targeted at those who have spent their entire lives trying to either lose weight or keep it off, this life-changing guide puts fads aside to help readers reprogram their minds, tap into the real reasons behind their struggles and finally emerge victorious. Yes – anyone can be slim!

Ann Parker
Telephone: 07827530664
United Kingdom – Having lost 5 stone and kept it off for two years, Ann Parker knows that triumphing over weight issues isn’t as simple as flicking a switch. In fact, Parker fully sympathises with and relates to the 90% of dieters who reverse their weight loss, seemingly as easy as just looking at food.

These personal experiences, along with her professional training as an NLP and EFT therapist, inspired Parker to release her own weight loss self-help book unlike anything else on the shelves.

There’s no hype and just results, in ‘Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential: You Are Never Overweight for the Reason You Think You Are! Find Out How to Identify the Real Reasons You Can't Lose Weight and Be Slim for Life!’.


Do you struggle with your weight? Have you spent a fortune on diets and shakes?
Has anything worked long term for your weight?
Have you lost a lot of weight only to put it back on again?

Do you put on weight just by looking at food?
Are you an emotional eater?
Do you sabotage your weight?

This amazing book, which is packed full of information, techniques and help so that you can become your own therapist and you can then take control of your weight FOR LIFE and feel amazing! It is based on years of research and I have tried everything on myself as I was 12lb when I was born and have struggled all my life. I have now lost 5 stone and have kept it off for over two years.

Why is my book different from other weight loss books?
Most other weight loss books (and I have read so many!) usually concentrate on a couple of issues – eating a specific diet, doing a particular type of exercise or breathing technique. But if you have a weight problem it is so much more complicated than that. Some people can go on a diet and lose weight – some people struggle all their lives and these are the people that my book is aimed at – and there are thousands of these people.

My book covers all the mainstream weight loss information like eating, exercise, setting goals, dealing with stress and health and nutrition – after all you need to be in tip top condition in mind, body and soul! A sample of other subjects covered: Uncover the real reasons why you can’t lose weight, keep it off and then sabotage yourself

Understand why your weight problem is not your fault and if you overeat, it is not your fault either!

Find out why your ancestors, genes and body type affects your weight and how to reset them for weight loss

 Read over 45 pages packed full of reasons why you can’t lose weight – and they really are fascinating!

Understand how intolerances, allergies, medication and medical conditions can cause weight gain

Identify your best eating and exercise plan for life and understand why you need to know about calories, despite what other people say

·        How to learn how to write weight loss goals then put them into action and become your own life coach

·        How to identify and eliminate trauma, blocks, fears, negative patterns, programs and beliefs and replace with positive ones so you can release ‘your protection’ which is your weight

·        How to increase your self confidence, worth, value and esteem and be happy at whatever weight you are

·        Find out why STRESS is an important factor in putting on weight and then making it impossible to lose

·        How to use homeopathy, herbs, supplement, essential oils and Bach flower remedies to lose weight and keep it off for life

·        How to use techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique to remove trauma, release fear and stress, increase your metabolism and decrease your appetite

·        Learn how to breathe properly to increase your metabolism

·        Learn how to use Mindful Meditation to calm your mind and release negative thoughts

·        Learn all about your Endocrine system and how it affects your well being and weight loss

·        Learn how to muscle test or use a pendulum to ask ‘”Yes” or “No” answers so you never make a mistake a again

·        Learn how to ask your Angels for help and discover how your karma and past lives may be keeping you overweight

·        Learn how a trauma in your ancestral line many hundreds of years ago could be affecting your weight in this life

·        Learn how to program crystals to increase your metabolism and decrease your appetite

·        Learn about other techniques and treatments that really work for well being and weight loss so you can save money on expensive sessions

And if you are ‘up for it’, have some fun and learn how to cast a spell for weight loss!

“I wanted to create something for those who have exhausted all of the other weight loss books out there, but still aren’t seeing results,” explains the author. “We help readers trace their lives back as far as they can to try and discover the real reasons they’re struggling with their weight, and then turn them into actionable steps that will help people become thin, healthy and keep the weight off for life.”

Continuing, “This holistic approach is so much more successful than telling someone to simply “not eat this” or “run on that treadmill for 30 minutes a day”. It requires a complete lifestyle and mindset shift that, when committed to, really is easy and yields results beyond belief.”

With the volume’s demand increasing, interested readers are urged to secure their copies without delay.
‘Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential: You Are Never Overweight for the Reason You Think You Are! Find Out How to Identify the Real Reasons You Can't Lose Weight and Be Slim for Life!’ is available now:

 For more information, visit the author’s official website:

 About the author, in her own words:

I worked as a senior manager in the business arena for over 30 years. I was particularly experienced in training, giving seminars and managing people all over the world.  I have been a Project Manager, Product Manager, Business Analyst and European Training manager.  I have a wealth of experience in computer systems and IT, call centre systems, satellite TV and telecoms.  All of this experience has given me great insight into how the human mind works and how to motivate people!
Feeling dissatisfied with the general work ethic, I started to train in Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and other amazing therapies and techniques. I found I could then clear negative patterns, blocks and beliefs for myself and the people I worked with.  This enabled them to move forward quickly in both their personal and work life.  Helping people unlock their maximum potential became such a fascination that I decided to include health issues, so I then trained to be a homeopath and nutritionalist.  Stress is one of the main problems that faces us today so I have developed special courses to transform your life to be stress free.

I have a successful and thriving business helping to counsel and coach clients by psychically identifying blocks, patterns, trauma and memories that have held the client back.  I then decided to add other more ‘esoteric techniques’ to heal karma and past life memories which I found were essential for full healing.  I have written 3 amazing self help guides - I have read so many personal development books in my life but they all seemed to concentrate on one area whereas mine encompass everything you need to heal and succeed.
I am also a member of the Post Major Incident Therapists Network Facebook Group which was started after the Manchester bombings and is available free of charge to anybody who has suffered trauma.


Wednesday 3 July 2019

Are you an emotional eater?

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Do you overeat and you dont know why?  Do you eat when you are bored or upset?  It is so common as food can mean love and comfort.  If your mother was a feeder you will equate food to love. If you had a terrible childhood but always ate together and it was ok you will try and relive this.  If you got sweets as a treat as a child when you need treating or comforting you will turn to any food.  This is why will power doesnt work!

You may not be able to heal or talk about your traumas or emotions so you will use food to stuff down your emotions.  If when you were ill your mother gave you attention and food (especially if she took no notice of you the rest of the time) you will use food to give yourself attention and love - or you may make yourself ill because you think you will get attention - this one doesnt work at all which I can confirm as I have tried it!

Some people chose alcohol, drugs, self harm or food and it is up to your subconscious and your childhood programming to which one you turn to.  Then you beat yourself up because you have just eaten again, having promised yourself that you will stick to your diet or healthy eating plan.  You will most probably have a very low self esteem, have no confidence, value or respect in yourself which then diminishes every time you cheat.  This is all really common but the good news is that it can be fixed - not overnight but it can be with work, journalling and planning.

You need to identify what it is (there may be many) triggers of your emotional eating.  Write them down and see who else was involved and what age you were and what messages you got.  The first step is to identify and that is why it is good to journal so you can see on a daily basis what stresses cause you to reach for food.  The technique for this is Emotional Freedom Technique and you start to tap on all your issues and then you will see that your dependance on food will start to disappear - and you will start to feel better about yourself and that helps as well.  You can try self hypnosis and I would buy a crystal that you love (doesnt matter what type), wash it and then program it with what you would like it to help you with - emotions, eating healthily, conscious eating etc - and they carry it around with you - a good place is in the bra.

In my great book, Unlock your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, I outline how to heal this and your traumas and then you can watch the weight drop off!  It is so exciting!