Wednesday 3 July 2019

Are you an emotional eater?

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Do you overeat and you dont know why?  Do you eat when you are bored or upset?  It is so common as food can mean love and comfort.  If your mother was a feeder you will equate food to love. If you had a terrible childhood but always ate together and it was ok you will try and relive this.  If you got sweets as a treat as a child when you need treating or comforting you will turn to any food.  This is why will power doesnt work!

You may not be able to heal or talk about your traumas or emotions so you will use food to stuff down your emotions.  If when you were ill your mother gave you attention and food (especially if she took no notice of you the rest of the time) you will use food to give yourself attention and love - or you may make yourself ill because you think you will get attention - this one doesnt work at all which I can confirm as I have tried it!

Some people chose alcohol, drugs, self harm or food and it is up to your subconscious and your childhood programming to which one you turn to.  Then you beat yourself up because you have just eaten again, having promised yourself that you will stick to your diet or healthy eating plan.  You will most probably have a very low self esteem, have no confidence, value or respect in yourself which then diminishes every time you cheat.  This is all really common but the good news is that it can be fixed - not overnight but it can be with work, journalling and planning.

You need to identify what it is (there may be many) triggers of your emotional eating.  Write them down and see who else was involved and what age you were and what messages you got.  The first step is to identify and that is why it is good to journal so you can see on a daily basis what stresses cause you to reach for food.  The technique for this is Emotional Freedom Technique and you start to tap on all your issues and then you will see that your dependance on food will start to disappear - and you will start to feel better about yourself and that helps as well.  You can try self hypnosis and I would buy a crystal that you love (doesnt matter what type), wash it and then program it with what you would like it to help you with - emotions, eating healthily, conscious eating etc - and they carry it around with you - a good place is in the bra.

In my great book, Unlock your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, I outline how to heal this and your traumas and then you can watch the weight drop off!  It is so exciting!

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