Monday 22 July 2019

Why you should eat 5 veg and fruit not 5 fruit and veg!

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You always hear people say "I eat my 5 fruit and veg" but most of it is fruit.  Fruit is good for you but it is high in sugar, calories and doesnt have as many vitamins or minerals as veg.

Also 5 was a figure conjured up and is not even scienfically proven so you need to eat as much salad and veg as you can!  Although veg does have calories they are very low. Try to add veg to everything you consume......

Did you know that fruit can be 100 calories a piece - so if you have three pieces a day that is 300 calories (brilliant arent I!) where as three veg would be nearer 7! So when buying fruit buy smaller pieces so you get the vitamins but not the calories and you wont feel the different between a large banana and a small one!  So eat a maximum of two pieces of fruit a day and vary your choices during the week.

Also eat the fruit dont juice it - do you know that juicing loses the fibre and a lot of the goodness.  Also it can cause acid on the teeth and spike your blood sugar sending your insulin mad and you on a pathway to diabetes II or syndrome X (which is the precursor) - I do find that if I eat fruit in the morning I am starving, whereas if I have an egg I am full until lunch or beyond.  Everybody is different so you need to be aware of what you are eating and what affect it is having on your body.  This is why people started to put on weight with juices because of the calories of the fruit,nuts and coconut milk!

There is so much information like this in my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential to help you lose and maintain your weight loss.

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