Tuesday 6 August 2019

Do you use your weight as protection against something?

please contact me at ann@annparker.co.uk

I was 12 lb when I was born and I have struggled with  my weight all my life.  I have even lived on 150 calories for 7 years and did three hours of exercise a day (which I am now paying for with dodgy hips!).  I started to investigate why I couldn't lose weight more deeply and went to visit a therapist who did muscle testing - this means that you ask your body yes or no questions and your body responds as it absolutely knows what it wants. So she asked my body if it wanted to lose weight and it said NO!  I was absolutely gobsmacked - but "I do" I said - but your body/subconscious etc doesn't want to!  So after I recovered from the shock, I realised that I had been using my weight as protection against something because every time I tuned into me being slim and attractive I felt the most tremendous fear and felt sick.

Being overweight means that you are not attractive to the majority of men (I can tell you that!) but that can be an advantage if you don't want the attention or have been abused.  This is what had happened to me.  When I was three I was sexually abused by my babysitters son for three years and had only got out of it by being ill and then my father was posted somewhere else so we moved.  When I was slim for a few years I was very attractive and attracted a lot of attention from men and as I travelled around the world working it became a real problem as you couldn't even walk along a corridor without somebody trying to hit on you. As you can see by the picture that I was pretty stunning - how I loved my hair like that!  So all the fear of the abuse came back and I started to put on weight.  As my body knew I would starve until it came off, it flooded me with excess water which I couldn't do anything about. 
With my clients, I find that this is the no. 1 reason for being overweight and if they lose it they will put it back on immediately.  Abuse of any kind does take a lot of healing but it can be done and self esteem, confidence and respect can be restored.  You may get the attention but it totally goes over your head because the patterns, blocks, trauma and fears have been cleared so your body/subconscious does not register this as a problem any more.
There is always a payback for everything - it is caused secondary gain.  You all know of the woman who looks after their mother and moans all the time but when you say you need to back off they don't.  This is because they get attention from other people which they wouldn't get if they stopped doing it. Other reasons that you would use your weight as protection:
1. traumas in past lives - you may not believe in past lives but any type of trauma in your ancestors may cause this fear within you
2. low self esteem/worth so your weight stops you from being promoted, getting a new job, going on holiday or many other reasons
3. you don't want to be seen so you make yourself big - I know this sounds the wrong way around but actually people don't pay any attention to overweight people - unless it is to be rude!
4. self hate - you hate yourself for eating and feel disgust so you eat more.  If you loved yourself this wouldn't happen
5. You are carrying heavy burdens/weighted down by your life experience
5. there are so many more reasons that are explained in my book, Unlock your Maximum Weight Loss Potential
But the good news is that all of these issues can be healed and you can lose weight and be happy. Buy my book and watch the weight drop off - why not book an appointment with me so we can explore the real reasons of your weight problem

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