Sunday 14 July 2019

Program a crystal to help you lose and maintain your weight!

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If you read the 'oggie googie' mags you will see that they tell you to buy a crystal for this and then another one for that - I have done this over the years and now have hundreds of crystals, most of which I dont know what they are or what they are for!

In my book, Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, I have an entire chapter on crystals and how they can help with appetite, weight loss, water retention and many other things.  However, today I just want to talk about how to buy one crystal and program it for everything that you need! How much cheaper and more productive is that!!

So either look at the crystals that you have or go into a specialist shop and stare at the crystals.  Is there one that is jumping out at you?  If you want to make, sure run your hand over them and see if one is hot or cold or attracts you in another way.  If one doesnt show itself, pick the one that you like the most, whatever the colour or size.  It is better to be reasonably small because I want you to carry it around with you so I dont want to weigh you down!  It is a good idea to write down the programming statements before you start as you want to cover all aspects from overeating to protection to health issues etc.  Break them down into as small portions as possible.

Instructions for programming:

Wash the crystal in luke warm water (if it is very delicate like a pearl you need to look up cleansing instructions on line) - this releases all negative energy from other owners or people who have handled it.
If you can put it in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours - this will really charge it up and energise it - if not it doesnt matter
Hold it in both hands and thank it for showing itself to you and then hold it to your heart.  Ask that in the future that is becomes self cleansing so if it picks up negativity it is immediately released
Now say something like, "I would like to program you to help me with the following"

supressing my appetite
releasing everything that is causing my excess weight
releasing everything that is causing my excess water
releasing everything that is stopping me being slim
releasing everything that is making me comfort/overeat and stopping me sticking to my diet
and anything else that you have written down
releasing all the trauma that has made me protection myself with fat
keep me motivated in my goals
keep me at my target weight
help me love myself whatever weight I am

Ask the crystal where it would like to be kept and see what answer you get.  If you dont get an answer then try to keep it down your bra or in a pocket.

You can program later on when your statements change and you may be shown that you need a new crystal.  For example you may need a crystal for helping your thyroid and metabolism and one to keep you on the straight and narrow.  This is soooooooooooo easy to do but so powerful!

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