Monday 19 January 2015

Did you want your children to be high achievers naturally? Well read on

Would you like to improve the chances of your child passing all their exams easily, simply and with top marks?  By Annie Parker


What a silly question I hear you say of course you would but it is not possible – especially with my teenagers.  But I have great news for you – because I offer you the chance to do this!  Using a variety of techniques in my ‘Mary Poppins tool box’ I can help with the following:


·       Clear all blocks and patterns to increasing concentration, motivation, increased learning, wanting to learn and passing exams


·       Reprogram the subconscious to have high self confidence, self worth and self esteem


·       Release negative beliefs such as “I can’t do this” or “It is too hard as I am thick” and replace with positive ones


·       Teach you and your children how to use energy techniques such as EFT TM to remove old baggage to help with learning and self esteem.  All those old remarks by teachers about not being good enough or not amounting to anything just simply disappear and are replaced with positives


·       Re-imprint the subconscious so your child is eager to learn, eager to do their homework (!) and that they know they are as good as anybody else


·       Tackle the real problems of bullying and why your child could be attracting it


·       Remove all stress and teach techniques to keep stress at bay in the future. Exams will be a doddle in future!


And many, many more things...............  Interested?  so read on.............


The Chinese are very strict with their children, giving them hours of homework and other hobbies to work on in their little spare time to improve their chances.  Well I can do that for you and your child without all the hours, stress, upset and tantrums.  I am sure that you want to give your child all the help you can – and now you have the opportunity to do so.


Additional tutorship is all well and good but it doesn’t raise self confidence, clarity or wanting to study or pass exams.  It can put your child under pressure or make them feel inadequate because they need additional tutoring. 


My new book, Unleash Your Full Potential, shares all my tips (all 200 pages of them) but here are a few that I share with you:


1.    Make use of Bach flower remedies which will help with fear, nerves and lack of self confidence

2.    Burn essential oils that increase clarity, learning, self confidence

3.    I would suggest that you buy Paul Mckenna’s book, “I can make you smart”, as it has a hypnosis cds for both learning and passing exams simply!!  These cds can be loaded onto an ipod or similar and can be listened to overnight on a low setting so your child is being reprogrammed while they sleep

4.    Learn a technique like EFTtm (also known as tapping).  This not only removes memories and negative programming but you then install positive beliefs.  Children who use these techniques don’t grow up with the baggage that us older ones have!

5.    Homeopathy and herbs are great for stress, increased learning and boosting self esteem

6.    I would recommend that you child chooses a crystal in a crystal shop.  Then wash the crystal and program it for all their needs (ie confidence, attracting success, good exam results, increased intelligence or whatever they need)

7.    I advise on diet, supplements and exercise.  If I had a child I would certainly have them on an oil mixture called IQ which increases reading by two years in the first three months of taking!  Research shows that children who spend more than an hour a day on video games show increased aggression which is directly proportionate to them wanting to learn.

8.    I also advise on sleep because children these days are not getting enough and it is affecting their moods, weight and learning abilities.  Blue screens from electronic devices disrupt sleep as well so they need to have at least 2 hours away from these before bed time.


So hopefully by now I have wetted your appetite so if you are keen for your child to do well contact me for a session on and watch your child sale through exams and then get the university place and job of their dreams!!

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