Thursday, 29 January 2015

What causes stress?

Causes of stress

The situations and pressures that cause stress are known as stressors. We usually think of stressors as being negative, such as an exhausting work schedule or a rocky relationship. However, anything that puts high demands on you or forces you to adjust can be stressful. This includes positive events such as getting married, buying a house, going to college, or receiving a promotion.

Of course, not all stress is caused by external factors. Stress can also be self-generated, for example, when you worry excessively about something that may or may not happen, or have irrational, pessimistic thoughts about life.

What causes stress depends, at least in part, on your perception of it. Something that's stressful to you may not faze someone else; they may even enjoy it. For example, your morning commute may make you anxious and tense because you worry that traffic will make you late. Others, however, may find the trip relaxing because they allow more than enough time and enjoy listening to music while they drive.

Common external causes of stress:

Major life changes
Work or school
Relationship difficulties
Financial problems
Being too busy
Children and family


Common internal causes of stress:


Chronic worry
Negative self-talk
Unrealistic expectations/Perfectionism
Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
All-or-nothing attitude

Your ability to tolerate stress depends on many factors, including the quality of your health and relationships, your general outlook on life, your emotional intelligence, and genetics. Are you are glass ‘half full’ or a glass ‘half empty’ person?  If you are the ‘half full’ person this will help you to combat stress.  If you look for a benefit in every situation and use it for growth, this will also help. If you are a ‘survivor’ rather than a ‘victim’ this will help.  If you are doing something stressful because you personally get a benefit from it like attention and sympathy, this will definitely not help.

What's stressful for you?
What's stressful for you may be quite different from what's stressful to someone else. For example:
Susan finds looking after her parents a joy, but her sister Melanie finds it stressful
Rosemary loves getting up in front of people and speaking but Carol shakes and can’t speak
Ann loved her drive to work as it gave her time to think and listen to her music, while James hated it because he always worried there would be an accident and he would be late
Angela complains in a restaurant if necessary but Don couldn’t possibly complain so he just doesn’t go back

Your support network – A strong network of supportive friends and family members can be an enormous buffer against life’s stressors. On the flip side, the more lonely and isolated you are, the greater your vulnerability to stress.

Your sense of control – It may be easier to take stress in your stride if you have confidence in yourself and your ability to influence events and persevere through challenges. If you feel like things are out of your control, you’re likely to have less tolerance for stress.

Your attitude and outlook – Optimistic people are often more stress-hardy. They tend to embrace challenges, have a strong sense of humour, and accept that change is a part of life.  Pessimistic people can spiral into depression and stressful situations very quickly.

Ability to let go of the past – You have to accept your life as it is now and let go of everything negative that has happened in the past.  If you are constantly trying to change your life you will become more stressed.  You need to slow down and look at all of the areas in your life that aren’t working and put a plan together to improve them.  People normally become too busy because they don’t want to look at what is not working in their lives and they rush and make themselves ill.  A friend of mine is always causing himself to have big accidents and this is because the Universe is telling him to slow down and look at his life, and the more he doesn’t the more the Universe makes him ill.

Your ability to deal with your emotions – You’re extremely vulnerable to stress if you don’t know how to calm and soothe yourself when you’re feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed by a situation. The ability to bring your emotions into balance helps you bounce back from adversity and is a skill that can be learned at any age.

Your knowledge and preparation – The more you know about a stressful situation, including how long it will last and what to expect, the easier it is to cope. For example, if you go into surgery with a picture of what to expect post-op, a painful recovery will be less traumatic than if you were expecting to bounce back immediately.

Your health – If you are fit, eat healthily, your brain chemistry is balanced and you absorb all the necessary supplements, you will cope with stress more efficiently.  If you exercise regularly this will also help to de-stress you.

Your ability to laugh - Put on a funny DVD and have a good old fashioned belly laugh.  Laughing will relieve stress quicker than anything.  Try and see the funny side of every situation and laugh and try and make other people laugh as well.  Laughter is so healing and we all seem to have lost our sense of humour with everything that is happening in our lives.

Anger triggers stress

Anger can be very destructive and if unresolved, can cause major stress and illness.  You need to be able to recognize when you are angry and not suppress it.  If you have not able to show anger as a child this is very difficult to achieve. 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

How curses can affect your weight now

On Monday I talked about how ancestral curses can affect your weight and today I am going to talk about personal curses.  Weight problems cause us pain and shame and this is why it is such a good curse pay back system!  If you have put curses on people in past lives (which you most probably have) these automatically come back to you at some time.  Also people could have cursed you in past lives (including voodoo, black magic etc) and this could be manifesting as a weight or water retention problem in this life.

When people lose a lot of weight (as I did), there is no way that you would put on more than a couple of pounds and you would do something to take it off.  I woke up one morning having put on 5 stone of water because the curse didnt realise about the weight loss but once it realised that I felt fab and was having a good life it went into immediate action.  The curse knew that I would starve until I lost weight so it filled me with water which it knew I couldnt lose!  Crafty arent they!!  They are also very destructive and attract entities etc into your life to bring you more pain.

So if you think this is you, contact me on and I will remove them (because you most have more than one!) and then you can watch your life unfold!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Ancestral curses and how they can affect your weight in this life

Everybody on my mothers side has a weight problem.  It doesnt matter how much exercise or dieting we do we all end up the same size - if you see us in a crowd there is no mistaking us!!!  Weight problems can be genetic, but this can also be caused by ancestral curses.  Many generations ago your family could have done something and have been cursed and this curse has manifested as a serious weight problem.  I had one client whose ancestral curse manifested as miscarriages which was heartbreaking.

Your family could have stolen money, stolen land, been a land owner and treated people badly. Your family could have been involved in the slave trade in many countries or even with building the pyramids.  It doesnt have to be about food but being overweight is a form of punishing and suffering so this works nicely - and you cant do anything about it.  I managed to lose 5 stone but woke up one morning 6 stone heavier and believe me it wasnt to do with food but the fact that I was "cursed" to be fat!

As part of my business I specialise in removing ancestral curses so if you feel this may be your problem please contact me on and watch the weight drop off, your ancestors healed and future generations healed - wouldnt you like to be able to heal their weight problem before they have one!!

Just a word of warning about curses - do not (even in fun or tempter) say the words "I curse you" or equivalent as the universe will activate the curse - and then the curse comes back on you 100 fold

Friday, 23 January 2015

Past life starvation will affect you now

If you have starved in any of your past lives you most probably will have what they call the "starvation gene".  You always hear that if you starve yourself your body will go into "starvation mode" and you will stop losing weight but this isnt the same for everybody.  All the size two models or film stars can starve and lose weight and then keep it off - I am sure you can name many!!!  But somebody like myself who ate 150 calories a day for 7 years was very roobust and covered!!  Also if everybody had the starvation mode there would be no anorexics as they would get to a certain level and then stop losing weight.  Also if you have the starvation gene, exercise doesnt help you to lose weight either - I speak from experience on this one!

So this gene could be from a past live where you were malnourished, died of starvation, or had very little food, and will cause you to hold onto weight in this lifetime. As there are many people being reincarnated from the prisoner of war camps, the starvation gene is very common, and that is one of the main reasons for the obesity crisis.

Dont worry though because I can remove the starvation gene and help to increase your metabolism so contact me on to start your weight loss for life!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Are you stressed?

This is an excerpt from my book, Unleash your full potential, on the dangers of stress.  I will be posting more information over the coming weeks.


Our modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. With the failing economy, trying to keep your job and support your family, you rush around until exhaustion.  For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life and you seem to be on a continual treadmill that you can’t get off.  People even seem to be addicted to stress and spend their time trying to prove that they are more stressed than anybody else they know! However, stress isn’t always bad for you and in small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best, get a project in on time or perform brilliantly at a presentation.

10 golden rules for releasing stress

Thou shall not be perfect or even attempt to be

Thou shall not try to be all things to all people

Thou shall not leave undone things that ought to be done

Thou shall not spread thyself too thin

Thou shall learn to say no without guilt

Thou shall schedule time for thyself

Thou shall have something to look forward to every day

Thou shall sometimes be slack, idle and inelegant!

Thou shall have a little indulgence every day eg a piece of chocolate

Thou shall embrace the present and let go of the past

But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. You can protect yourself by recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.  This book is full of techniques, natural remedies, supplements and advice on how to recognize this stress, heal it and then to keep it at bay.
Stress is one of the major factors causing ill health these days:
·       Heart problems, high blood pressure and strokes
·       Cancer
·       Inflammation of your body which in turn can cause cancer and many other issues
·       Mental breakdowns
·       Anxiety, panic attacks and asthma
·       Sleep problems
·       Memory loss, brain fog and inability to remember
·       Weight gain
·       Irritable bowel syndrome

Monday, 19 January 2015

Did you want your children to be high achievers naturally? Well read on

Would you like to improve the chances of your child passing all their exams easily, simply and with top marks?  By Annie Parker


What a silly question I hear you say of course you would but it is not possible – especially with my teenagers.  But I have great news for you – because I offer you the chance to do this!  Using a variety of techniques in my ‘Mary Poppins tool box’ I can help with the following:


·       Clear all blocks and patterns to increasing concentration, motivation, increased learning, wanting to learn and passing exams


·       Reprogram the subconscious to have high self confidence, self worth and self esteem


·       Release negative beliefs such as “I can’t do this” or “It is too hard as I am thick” and replace with positive ones


·       Teach you and your children how to use energy techniques such as EFT TM to remove old baggage to help with learning and self esteem.  All those old remarks by teachers about not being good enough or not amounting to anything just simply disappear and are replaced with positives


·       Re-imprint the subconscious so your child is eager to learn, eager to do their homework (!) and that they know they are as good as anybody else


·       Tackle the real problems of bullying and why your child could be attracting it


·       Remove all stress and teach techniques to keep stress at bay in the future. Exams will be a doddle in future!


And many, many more things...............  Interested?  so read on.............


The Chinese are very strict with their children, giving them hours of homework and other hobbies to work on in their little spare time to improve their chances.  Well I can do that for you and your child without all the hours, stress, upset and tantrums.  I am sure that you want to give your child all the help you can – and now you have the opportunity to do so.


Additional tutorship is all well and good but it doesn’t raise self confidence, clarity or wanting to study or pass exams.  It can put your child under pressure or make them feel inadequate because they need additional tutoring. 


My new book, Unleash Your Full Potential, shares all my tips (all 200 pages of them) but here are a few that I share with you:


1.    Make use of Bach flower remedies which will help with fear, nerves and lack of self confidence

2.    Burn essential oils that increase clarity, learning, self confidence

3.    I would suggest that you buy Paul Mckenna’s book, “I can make you smart”, as it has a hypnosis cds for both learning and passing exams simply!!  These cds can be loaded onto an ipod or similar and can be listened to overnight on a low setting so your child is being reprogrammed while they sleep

4.    Learn a technique like EFTtm (also known as tapping).  This not only removes memories and negative programming but you then install positive beliefs.  Children who use these techniques don’t grow up with the baggage that us older ones have!

5.    Homeopathy and herbs are great for stress, increased learning and boosting self esteem

6.    I would recommend that you child chooses a crystal in a crystal shop.  Then wash the crystal and program it for all their needs (ie confidence, attracting success, good exam results, increased intelligence or whatever they need)

7.    I advise on diet, supplements and exercise.  If I had a child I would certainly have them on an oil mixture called IQ which increases reading by two years in the first three months of taking!  Research shows that children who spend more than an hour a day on video games show increased aggression which is directly proportionate to them wanting to learn.

8.    I also advise on sleep because children these days are not getting enough and it is affecting their moods, weight and learning abilities.  Blue screens from electronic devices disrupt sleep as well so they need to have at least 2 hours away from these before bed time.


So hopefully by now I have wetted your appetite so if you are keen for your child to do well contact me for a session on and watch your child sale through exams and then get the university place and job of their dreams!!

How have you chosen to pay off your karma?

I mentioned in my previous blog that I was 12 lb when I was born which was unheard in those days.  When I was attuned to Reiki I put more and more weight on and because my subconscious new I would starve it filled me with water - which I couldnt lose - so I got heavier and heavier.  It seemed that I was cursed and nothing I did worked.  So I started to investigate this and had some amazing insights.

In this life many spiritual people have decided to pay off all their karmic debt - and one way of doing this is by having excess weight.  A lot of spiritual teachers and healers are heavily overweight not just minorly overweight. One of the ways we believe we can pay back this karma is by "punishing ourselves and making ourselves suffer".  Some people turn to alcohol, drugs or to loose everything they have.  In this day and age, with so many negative and nasty comments about obesity, it is easy to see why this is choosen for the karmic payback.  This is one of the avenues I chose and somehow because I knew I chose it it made it slightly easier. 

So I am carrying "the burdens of heavy karma" and it has taken me over 17 years to work through this (with other things that I will talk about in later blogs) but now the weight is starting to be released.  The main thing we have to do is to forgive ourselves for what we have done (or have been told or perceived we have done) and remove the guilt - this is what is holding us up.  One way is to put all the karmic debt and yourself into a circle of light and ask for total healing and forgiveness for everybody involved.  People from these lives may be attached to you and are adding to the weight and the punishment and they need to be released.  You have to understand (as they do) that everybody chose the lives they lead before they were incarnated so there is nothing to forgive or to feel guilty about - but this is hard to grasp.  So please speak to yourself or anybody else who is causing the punishment and ask what they want from you to release this and move forward.  Then ask your angels and guides to take on the task of the healing and watch your life transform!

Friday, 16 January 2015

The first part of how karma can affect your weight

How does Karma affect your weight?

I have been on a diet since I was born - I was 12 lb even then which for 1955 was very heavy!  What ever happened the weight never came off.  My mother was obsessed and had me on a diet and exercise plan at the age of 3!

I even spent 7 years on 150 calories a day, water tablets and slimming pills - and I wont tell you what else I did, to try and lose weight.  Most people would have died through malnutrition but I was still slowly putting on weight!

So why I started on my spiritual journey it absolutely made sense that I was paying back negative karma as being overweight made me very  unhappy.  I had chosen to be overweight as I felt that I needed to suffer and punish myself for what I had done (or perceived I had done) in past lives.  This explained why everything I did didnt work.  So I had to work very hard at forgiving myself and releasing the need to suffer and punish.  I can help you do this as I have so much experience now.

There will more on this subject later this week on how dying of starvation or thirst in past lives affects your weight more.  Also how other past lives affect your weight now

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Does your child need help with learning and exams?

In my book, Unleash your full potential, I talk about how you can help your children increase their learning and how to pass exams easily and simply.  Do your children do this or would you like my help?!!

Does your child lack the following:

do they want to study or do their homework?
are they easily distracted from their studies?
do you feel they have untapped intelligence?
do they freeze at exams and can't recall any information?
do they pick things up easily, remember them and then recall them instantly?

No - well they are not alone!  That is why I have put together an on-going program to help turn your children into the clever, happy and destressed children they should be.  I offer advice using Bach flower remedies, and I would certainly recommend Paul McKenna's book/cd on "I can make you smart" and "exam help".  I teach various energy techniques like EFT, TAT and Havening to remove all the baggage and blocks - this is especially helpful in the case of bullying and unhelpful remarks from teachers!  And in the background I am looking at all the patterns, blocks, judgements and negative self beliefs and changing them for the positive.

I have to say that if I had children I would contact me now for a session!!  Remember it will be an ongoing learning but I will give you both the tools so that you can help in between sessions.  Please contact me on

Monday, 12 January 2015

My new book, Unleash your full potential is now available for purchase

I have been working on my new book, Unleash your full potential, for most of 2014.  Like most of you, I have read my self help books and they all promise the world.  Most dont talk about blocks, patterns, past lives, learned lessons - or anything else that is stopping you. 

So in my book I have included everything - so it is the only self help book you will ever need!

How to heal stress (this includes tips, homeopathy and herbs and techniques like EFT)

How to fake it until you make it (lots of advice on how not to take things personally and how to project your confident self)

Homeopathy, herbs, supplements, bach flower remedies to help keep you in tip top condition

Crystals and spells to attract abundance

How to learn and use energy techniques such as EFT, life coaching and counselling

and so much more I cant tell you here - there are over 200 pages packed full of exciting information!!!

It is an ebook at present and is only £4.99 - so contact me on for payment and delivery details