Friday 27 February 2015

I can't have created all of this surely?

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There is no such thing as coincidence.  Everything that happens has been contracted for learning before you come in - I know this is difficult to understand but it is true.  Last year I went to northern cyprus on my own for a holiday in the sun.  On the very last swim the step broke and the metal end guaged out a huge piece of my foot.  The hotel were a nightmare and I was on my own.  Surely I hadnt created this but I had.  When I had calmed down and got over the shock I realised that I felt so abandoned and this bought up my patterns and blocks.  I had felt abandoned most of my life by people and situations.  Couldn't my soul have organised this less painfully - yes I suppose it could of but I cried for 3 days as I was in shock and I needed to do that to release all these painful memories and I wasnt going to do it any other way.

In this life spiritual people are looking to pay off their karma for what they have done in past lives.  We have all stolen, murdered and hurt people.  So if you are having troubles now (which I certainly am!) it is because I have chosen a certain time frame to feel how I made those people feel.  So I have built up patterns of non forgiveness and guilt which are difficult to heal - but I am getting there.

So if somebody is nasty to you it will be payback for you being nasty to somebody.  If someone gossips it is because you have gossiped (gossip is soooooooooooooo bad please stop doing it now). If you loose money it is because you have taken money from somebody else.  That is why some people are burgled in a street and others arent.

So please look at every situation and look for the learning and the lesson.  Ask your angels and guides to come and help heal it.  Dont blame other people for what has happened take responsibility even if you dont like it.  This week Amanda Holden has sacked her media person because of a picture of her daughter - but she should have taken responsibility and said she was wrong.

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