Wednesday 25 February 2015

Bringing in what you have asked for

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Following on from my blog yesterday I want to talk about why you havent got the life you have asked for.  Spiritual growth is an ongoing process but you have to believe that everything is happening is perfect time and this will be reflected in your astrology chart.  I know it is frustrating, especially is you have ill health or no money - but you must keep remembering that you have chosen this and are working towards your spiritual goal.

I know it is difficult to keep positive but using meditation, prayer, techniques like EFT and affirmations you need to keep going.  If you get knocked off centre you need to go back as quickly as possible because if you are putting out negativity to the universe that is what you will get back.  Take responsbility for what you did in past lives and this life.  Every person, situation, illness, marriage etc is designed to learn and move forward into the person we should be.  It is difficult not to judge others but dont and dont gossip either as this is a very low vibration.  If somebody upsets you send them love and light and then release the memories - stop going on about things as this means you are in victim mode!!

Try to look at every situation and learn the lesson and heal it.  Are you easily irritated? Do you get angry quickly?  Do you hate yourself deep down or think you are unworthy?  All these emotions need to be cleansed before you can more forward - I know you have to be a detective but wouldnt life be boring if everything went smoothly!!

Remember you are were you are supposed to be now and you are moving towards the life of your dreams and it wont be long - the universe is asking for you to have patience!

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