Monday 16 February 2015

How we have been fed wrong info about fats

In the late 70's and early 8's the food pyramid was changed from saturated fat to more carbs such as wheat.  So people's diets changed to cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and paboutasta for dinner!  So people started to put on weight and their insulin was having trouble coping with this extra wheat and sugar intake as they had to fill up on something! So transfats were then added to butter and other items such as biscuits and these transfats are soooooooooooooo bad for you (and addictive) so more weight on.  Not only was weight gained but it was virtually impossible for the weight to be lost.

You need good quality protein for your body to function and you need plenty of veg - which is difficult to get when you are eating pasta.  Everything should be in moderation so even when eating fats you shouldnt be stuffing down huge fried breakfasts - but an egg for breakfast, a tuna sandwich for lunch and chicken and veg for dinner is great.

We are told so much miss information about everything but especially food.  Smoothies are full of sugar that hit the insulin and cause weight gain and acid to the teeth.  Fruit juices do the same.  Eat the fruit and yoghurt which is much healthier for you.  Ditch so much wheat and sugar.  Eat as natural as possible.  Your health is in your hands!

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