Friday 6 February 2015

How weight can be your chosen life path

If you knew that you had chosen your weight problem as a life path would it make you feel better?  It certainly did for me.  Sometimes we are inclined to blame everything or everybody but when you know that it is your choice it means that you can do something about it!!

I was 12lb when I was born - which was a lot nearly 60 years ago!  In fact my mother was so embarrassed that she didnt put my weight on my birth plate she had made for me!!  My mother was also very slim until she had me but couldnt lose any weight afterwards and then blamed me for that.  In hypnosis the first thing I remembered after my birth was my mother saying "that fat baby is nothing to do with me" - this has coloured my life ever since!!

But when I looked at the contract that I had made before coming into this life I discovered that I decided to have a weight problem because:

1. I wanted to pay off all my karma in this life so I decided to be born with "the heavy burdens of karma"

2. Part of my plan was to help people with weight problems and you know it is better to have gone through something in order to be able to help others - I have experiences everything from water retention, weight going on at 7 lb a week, living on 150 calories a day, bulimia, laxatives, thyroid problems - I have seen both sides of the coin

3. I had bought in the starvation genes from having been in the prisoner of war camps

4. I wanted to learn how people with weight problems were treated

5. I had mocked and laughed at disabled and overweight people so this was for me to experience so I could ask for forgiveness and forgive myself

6. The emotions I had come in to learn about were shame and humiliation - both are felt strongly when you are overweight

So once I had discovered all this I set about healing all levels.  It does take quite a long time and you have to be like a detective - so I am ably qualified to help with your weight problem!

contact me at

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