Tuesday 10 February 2015

How bad news can actually turn positive for you

Sam Smith thanked the man who rebuked him for his awards because the music flowed.  Adele is known for great music after she was dumped as well.  I was engaged at 23 and he dumped me and married his weekend girlfriend (I didnt know he had one!) and I was heartbroken.  However, I heard that when his baby was born he was in bed with twins - so didnt I have a lucky escape!

So dont always look at heartbreak, redundacy or other things that happen to you as bad news or the end of your life.  Look at the positive aspect (I know you cant always do that at the time) but what can you channel those energies into?  Redundancy can mean a new beginning - what would you like to do?  What talent have you got that could fill a whole in the market?  Have you always wanted to be your own boss or study?  this is the great opportunity to do it.

If you have been an alcoholic or drug user you can train to help others as you have the best exerience to do this.  I hate people who talk about weight when they havent had to struggle all their lives - even somebody who has lost weight once doesnt understand the complicated process of losing weight and keeping it off.  Use your experience to help others and this will also give you a warm feeling.

If you want help moving forward contact me on info@unleashyourfullpotential.co.uk

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