Wednesday 11 March 2020

Did you know there is a long version of EFT? It is very effective and powerful!

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When I first learned EFT over 20 years ago we used a long version which included finger points.  It also includes a lovely routine where you move your eyes and sing happy birthday!!  It works on the same principle of the old fashioned hypnotist who would get you to move your eyes to follow his watch.  Moving your eyes like this means that emotions are released easily and quickly - so there was method in his madness!!!!  The singing and counting relates to NLP programming as well so it is very powerful.

In my books and workshops I use the long version as standard and then show how it can be broken down into smaller pieces depending on the time you have available.  I feel this is far more powerful than the shorter versions that are used now.  Also it gives you additional points for additional problems.  For example, the gamut point on the back of the hand is the best for thyroid, water retention and over eating.  I also recommend that if a problem doesn't clear that you revert to the longer version.

If you have private sessions with me I give out handouts that show individual points that are used for emotional and physical problems - so you need to know the addition points as well.

Why not buy one of my books (Unlock your maximum potential and Unlock your maximum weight loss potential) or email me to find out about one of my workshops.  EFT is simply the best technique for clearing blocks, fears, patterns, self sabotage and installing the positive.  It is great for attracting abundance, success, soulmates and great health in weight loss.  You would be mad not to learn how to use it!

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