Tuesday 26 May 2015

Does everybody have starvation mode?

please contact me on info@unleashyourfullpotential.co.uk

I hear this all the time from people - you have cut your calories down and you are now in starvation mode and you cant lose any weight.  Well now top doctors are saying that we should all be cutting down our calories as it is better for our body and helps resist disease.  Yes I did mess up my metabolism when I lived on 150 calories for 7 years but I did that because it was already messed up and I couldnt lose weight - especially after I gave up smoking which raises your metabolism by at least 200 calories a day.  I was also on stimulants and the weight was dropping off everybody else but not me!

So if this starvation mode exists how comes people like Kate moss and Posh Spice lose weight and stay so thin (and it is thin and unnatural for most people).  If starvation mode existed people wouldnt become annorexics would they?  Their body would stop at a weight that was healthy and they wouldnt lose any more weight.

I do believe there is a starvation mode but it is not caused by what the doctors say but from a variety of other things that I talk about in this blog all the time.  Some of these are:

1. Your subconscious does not want you to be slim for various reasons.  It is protecting you from sexual abuse, getting pregnant, too much attention from men, not wanting to step out of comfort zone, fear of failure - the list is endless!

2.  I also believe that it is to do with starving, being malnourished or dying of thirst in previous lives - and it could be more than one life.  Your body is frightened of this happening again so it holds onto the weight and the water so you dont die

I think these are the main reasons but there can be many others which I could identify if you had a session with me.  Dieting doesnt work for everybody and you need to find out what is the real cause.

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