Monday 15 June 2015

Does your weight set point stop you losing weight - you bet it does!!

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What is your weight set point and why haven't you heard about it before?  Well the doctors dont know about it - neither do most people in the slimming world either.

Your weight set point is controlled by your subconscious and it is the weight that it feels is the right weight for you.  This is its own interpretation of what it feels is safe for you - and this most probably means that it is not the weight you want!  When I had a reading/healing session one time the guy came up with the set point and explained why I would never get beyond it as my subconscious was hanging on from grim death.  So link to your soul and your higher self and see if you can intuite what your set point is - what would it be?

Well it is essential to get your set point down to the level you want so how do you do that.  One of the ways is by using Emotional freedom technique (EFT) and this will lower your set point (and can increase your metbolism as well) - another way is to book a session with me and I will use my unique healing techniques to lower it for good once and for all!

You also have a money set point so this could explain why you can never earn/save over a point.  When I was contracting I earnt good money - however when I added up everything I learned I realised that because of gaps in between contracts I earned the same every year - which was nowhere as high as I thought!!

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