Monday 20 April 2015

Why do you overeat?

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Why do you overeat?  Do you do it when you are bored, emotional, PMS or some other reason?  Do you know why you overeat?  Food can be an addiction (as strong as drink and drugs) as it gives you please and releases the feel good hormones.

You can be stuffing down emotions you dont want to look at, or you could be giving yourself the love you never received from your mother - or are not receiving now from your partner or children.  Food is often given as a treat to a child or sometimes to shut you up and keep you quiet.  So if you want to treat yourself you will often go to a bar of chocolate - but one is never enough so you eat as much as you can and then you are filled with self loathing and self disgust which causes you to start again - it is a vicious cycle.

Sometimes you eat because the type of food gives you the emotion of what you need - no sweetness in your life is one of the main ones.  Sometimes you dont even know why you are eating.  This is why it is a good idea to start keeping a journal and record your moods, hormones, what is happening in your life, your emotions and anything else and that will help you manage your eating better.

If you are stressed you may reach for the food and the booze but actually this is making it worse.  And instead of blocking your emotions you really need to deal with them and work out strategies for you to cope for the future.  This is where techniques like EFT are invaluable because they really help release these emotions quickly and without having to look at the cause - they just go.

If your subconscious doesnt want you to be slim it will stop your will power in its tracks and you will eat.  So why dont you want to be slim - what happened the last time?  Did your partner leave you or you got pregnant or you got too much attention?  So suddenly you will feel yourself eating and you dont know even what you have eaten - only the empty packets tell the tale.

As I mentioned in my last blog if you have a background of scarcity and lack - and feel that is what is happening now - you will eat and put on weight because you feel this is the only way to proceed.

In the long run eating does not bring you what you want or help with the emotions - it is a bit like drinking when you wake up they are all still there!  Only now you have gained pounds, your clothes dont fit and you have spots!

So stop making excuses and look at your life and start cutting down on this eating.  Even if you are slim (and I know lots of slim people who stuff their faces!) you will not be healthy on the inside or outside and your skin will tell the tale.  Put yourself back in control of your life and learn to heal the emotions and begin to like yourself.  Why not contact me for a copy of my book WHY?WEIGHT which will help you stop this habit and lose the weight?

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