Wednesday 29 April 2015

What has lack of love as a child got to do with your weight problem now?

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So what does lack of love as a child (or now) have to to with your weight problem?  A lot actually!  If you were not shown enough love as a child, or a sibling was favoured, this can set up a pattern of there is not enough and I am not worthy of what there is.  So this will cause your body to hang onto weight as it believes there is scarcity and lack, especially if you are having a tough time with your job and money.  Because on the television there is so much about scarcity and not enough money to go around we are programmed with lack which then becomes our reality.  So it is best not to watch the news or political programs!

Your inner child is crying out for love and nuturing so the first thing you need to do is talk to her and tell her that you love her, that there is plenty of love to go round and that you will always love her.  Keep telling her this every day.  I carry a picture of me as a young girl and I talk to her every day telling her how special she is, how she is loved and how I will always look after her and we are safe.

If you dont love yourself then this can become a weight problem and you wont be able to lose it whatever you do.  You are adding the extra weight of protection and you may be giving yourself this love through food - this is one of the main reasons why people overeat to give them comfort and love.

Because of your childhood you may be projecting out to the world that you are a terrible person and dont deserve to be loved so you will attract people and partners that treat you badly and dont show affection or love.  My husband has never once said he loved me even in the early days when he was mad about me - I was attracting what I thought I deserved.  My mother only gave me love when other people where around or when she wanted something  So now I think that love always comes with conditions!

If you have been sexually, emotionally or physicially abused as a child this will lead to patterns of lack of love and scarcity.  You will attract people who want to abuse you and you may put on weight to repel them.  It becomes a vicious circle.

Use a technique like EFT  start clearing away these patterns and every day fill yourself with love and affirm that you are worthy and deserve love from yourself and from everybody.  Look at areas where you may be withholding love from other people and ask for this to be healed.

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