Tuesday 31 March 2015

Sweet food and how it raises your blood sugar level

for an appointment contact me on info@unleashyourfullpotential.co.uk

In recent years the increase in diabetes II and the precursor, Syndrome X is at epidemic proportions.  What are the causes - well believe it or not healthy eating can be causing this!!!  A million $ industry has been set up with smoothies and fruit juicing and juicing - these full the body with sugar which raises your insulin and in turn raises your blood sugar level - and then makes you hungry so you want to eat more!!  Not only do they do this but they ruin your teeth with the hit of acid.

So what can you do about it?

1.  Smoothies/juicing should be VEG and not be full of fruit.  You get more vitamins and minerals from veg with hardly any sugar
2.  Eat a piece of fruit a day with some protein like a couple of nuts - dont have it in a fruit juice!  If you want to have a fruit juice make sure it is diluted and only a very small amount and then drink it through a straw
3.  Eat 5 Veg a day and one piece of fruit - fruit is very high in calories and contains lots of sugar.  If you want more fruit eat lower sugar fruit like an apple
4  Eat good quality protein at each meal
5. Try the Hay diet which is food combining - you dont mix protein with carbs - this will allow the food to be digested quicker and better and cut the calories in half!!!  This also cuts inflammation and allieviates problems like arthritis
6.  Exercise every day
7.  Cut out everything sweet from your diet for about 3 months and then you should be able to re-introduce it
8.  Try to cut down on carbs like pasta and bread

You may find that the general information from doctors is not really correct from the research these days.  I would suggest you read Joe Mercola and Al Sears - two amazing American doctors that talk so much sense and give great advice.  You can reverse this is 3 months and you dont want to end up on medication??

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