Tuesday 10 March 2015

Of course these TV chefs are making people fatter!

There was a story in the paper at the weekend suggesting that the new TV chefs are making people fatter - well no shit sherlock!!  Of course they are!!

As a nation we are supposed to be cutting down on sugar, wheat, biscuits and cakes and what happens - we get the British Bakeoff - and now cup cakes are everywhere!!  A slice of cake is roughly about 400 calories which is a 1/3rd of your daily intake - apart from the sugar which we know is addictive!

So James Martin (as much as I think he is lovely) cooks with enough butter to sink a battle ship - OK some is good for you but not in the quantities that these receipes call for - and it is toxic when fried so you should only use a little palm or coconut oil which is not toxic.

All these shows show huge heavy meals that are full of calories!!  I know it is good to cook from scratch but you need to take into account portions, fat etc and most people dont know how to do that.  Big slimming companies and some doctors say you dont have to count calories but I have to tell you that you do especially if you have a serious weight problem.  Yes advocados are great fat but if you eat a whole one on a diet and dont make allowances elsewhere you will put on weight!

But other shows so that over eating is OK - Come dine with me and Dinner date show big three course meals virtually every night.  If you dont have a weight problem you certainly will if you continue to eat three course meals + booze!!  The calories in meal like that is roughly my weeks whole allowance!!

Remember you need good quality protein with veg.  You should aim to eat 5 veg a day which means you have to have a salad or veg at lunch and dinner - and then 1 fruit.  Fruit will make you feel hungry so keep to one or two small pieces.  You get many more vits and minerals from veg than you do from fruit.

The new cook, Ella has wonderful receipes which are many vegan, but dont be fooled that they are slimming!!!  She uses a lot of oil and some receipes call for 2 advocados!!  Cashew cream is wonderful to eat but at over 500 calories per 100g it is not going to help you diet!!

So my advice is to be sensible and have some idea of what you are eating!

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