Monday 30 March 2015

Easter, overeating and chocolate!

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Well we are now approaching Easter where people are already being encouraged to overeat!  The big family lunches full of meat and cakes have been advertised for many weeks and the easter eggs have been in the shops since Christmas!!  Is all this food necessary though?  The retailers are trying to make Easter into another Christmas so that we will spend lots of money.  Television shows are encouraging baking of cup cakes, cakes and fattening puddings.  All this on top of loads of chocolate eggs!!

There was a program on this week about calories and for those of you who read my blogs you know that I bang on about knowing how many calories are in your diet!  I accept that not all calories are not equal and that an advocado is much better for you than a bag of crisps - however if you add an advocado in your diet daily (or a handful of nuts) you will put on weight!!  The calorie totals for people of 2,000 for a woman and 2,500 for a man are way over what they should be!  This is if you have a good metabolism, are very active and reasonably young - it should be near 1500.  If you are on a diet or put on weight easily it is more important you know about calories over and above everything else.  Even the diet plans that claim not to count calories do underneath their schemes.

The average Easter egg contains around 530 calories which will be approx a third of your daily allowance!!  So if you tot up the calories you will be eating over Easter with the eggs and all the other food you are quite likely to put on 5 lb of weight - is it really worth it??!!!! You will be eating over 5,000 calories a day! If you are having eggs you dont need puddings and other cakes.  You dont need a starter and tea in the evening!  Why not chop your egg up and eat a bit every day - that way you dont bombard your body and put on the weight.  Also dont forget that you will have a sugar rush which will make you even hungrier and you most probably will come out in spots as well!!!

I did a talk last monday night about muscle testing and the girl I was using as a model was so sensitive to sugar that her arm dropped down without me even pushing on it!!  Because I have always been on a diet I have never had an Easter egg in my life and I dont miss it - I am not keen on chocolate and it is not worth the calories.  REMEMBER NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THE TASTE OF BEING SLIM!

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