Friday 16 August 2019

Is your underactive thyroid causing your weight problem?

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Do you know what your thyroid is?  It is a butterfly shaped gland situated in the front of your neck and forms part of your throat chakra.  It is usually associated with not being able to speak up for yourself or speak your truth - sound familiar?!

The thyroid basically controls most of your hormone functions including your metabolism.  As the estimate now for being underactive is 1 in 5 (especially women) it is not suprising that there is an obesity problem.  In the UK the tests are inadequate and can say you are normal when you are not (this has happened to me).  That is if the doctor evens picks it up because most always associate being overweight with overeating.  Then the medication doesnt help - it may help some but it wont help with weight loss.  So you continually put on weight and then cant lose it, despite dieting or starving - also the thyroid will fill you with excess water that you cant lose either.

You need to tune into your thyroid and see what is there.  What shape, colour, size, texture and if there are memories, trauma or past life information that needs clearing - then use the techniques in my book to release and replace with self love and confidence.  People who have been physically, mentally, emotionally or sexually abuse can have an underactive thyroid.  If you are looking at past lives it can be because you were hanged, or other injuries to the throat.

Homeopathy is brilliant for thyroid and so is spirulina.  You need to make sure that you are getting the correct vitamins and minerals. Again my book lists everything including what crystals to use to heal your thyroid and speed up your metabolism.

Why not buy my book and use it as your bible to help heal your body and your weight?

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