Monday 30 September 2019

Why do you eat emotionally?

please contact me at

Well I am back if you noticed that I havent been posting in a while.  I had an amazing two weeks in Java and Sumatra wandering around temples and playing with orangutans!  Then I went into hospital to have my left hip replaced and am now running around like a two year old - well nearly anyway!!

So time to get back to business and to weight problems......

Do you eat emotionally?  Do you polish off a bar of chocolate and not even realise that you have done it?  Do you eat a packet of biscuits and then feel guilty, shameful and your self worth dips?  If you do you are not alone.  There are many reasons why you do this but the good news is that they can be healed so you are not bothered about food!

1.  Hormones - you know that at a certain time of the month your eating can go out of control
2.  No money - believe it or not weight is linked to money and the less you have the more you may eat - this is to do with scarcity patterns
3.  You have starved in past lives and your body doesnt want that to happen in this one
4.  You have had trauma in your life and the eating blocks the pain of having to deal with it
5.  You may have very low self esteem and eat to feel better
6.  You could be "stuffing" emotions down rather than dealing with them
7.  Your body type may require more food
8.  and the list goes on ........................

Using EFT can release traumas, past lives, stuck emotions and most other things so this is your first port of call - but of course, you have to do it for it it work! I know of specific points that you can use for appetite suppression to you dont have to use the full routine............  My book, Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, shows you a lot more techniques to get your eating under control - but it can be brought under control and you CAN lose your weight and be SLIM for life!

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