Wednesday 19 June 2019


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I am delighted to announce that my second book in my Unlock series is now released and it is called UNLOCK YOUR MAXIMUM WEIGHT LOSS POTENTIAL - and it is the best weight loss book on the market!  Even if I say so myself!

Most weight loss books, and I have read most of them!, concentrate on a single diet plan or walking or a hormone - but we ARE ALL DIFFERENT - and what works for one doesn't work for all - especially if you have a serious weight problem.  Some people just need to cut their calories but this book is aimed at people who struggle and can't keep the weight off.
I was 12 lb when I was born and have struggled with my weight all my life.  I had a toning table/beauty salon and met thousands of women who struggled with their weight as well.  People will always tell you to do more exercise or diet which is so patronising especially when they are chomping away on something very fattening or quoffing large glasses of wine!
This book is packed full of information, techniques, research, and so many other subjects including beliefs and low self esteem and worth.  Some people do over eat because of this but a lot don't (including myself!) - but I also know a lot of slim/medium size people that eat a lot.
Over the next few months I will be blogging chapters from the book explaning what a complicated process weight loss is but how you will feel lighter in your body, mind and soul when you have healed all the issues.
There is nothing like this on the market and I need to get the word out there to help as many people as I possibly can to lose the weight and keep it off for life.  Please share to everybody you know!

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