Wednesday 26 June 2019

How intolerances can stop you losing weight

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One of the most important chapters in my book, Unlock your Maximum Weight Loss Potential, is the one on allergies and intolerances.  We are all familiar with the these causing swelling or breathing problems but nobody seems to have talked about other problems such as weight gain, water retention - and then not being able to lose the weight/water once it is on.

I once was at an exhibition and a young, very slim girl, was telling me that she had an underactive thyroid - as she was so slim I really wasnt taking much notice!!  She then said that it turned out to be a gluten intolerance and that it gave her the symptoms of an underactive thryoid.  I had never heard this before but it does make a lot of sense because although thyroid tests are very inaccurate it would explain why some tests come back OK when the person is suffering with weight gain and all the other symptoms.  Gluten intolerance is very common but you can also still be intolerant to wheat and yeast - I have a terrible intolerance to yeast and swell up like a ballon when I eat marmite - which is unfortunate because I love it!

Other intolerances can cause water retention and swelling and this water is virtually impossible to release until you stop eating this product and eventually it will come off.  Also intolerances can affect your endocrine system which will also cause weight gain and/or water retention.

In my book I teach you various methods to test for yes and no answers (called muscle testing or dowsing with a pendulum) so you could use this method to test which foods are not good for you - you could also ask what foods add weight even though you are not intolerant to them.  Or you could get an intolerance test done - there are normally offers available on groupon so I would suggest you use one of those and go for a large spectrum.

It is normally suggested that you stop eating the food for approximately 3 months and then introduce and journal what your reactions are.  Usually with an allergy or intolerance there was an emotional trigger so you can use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to eliminate this and then the intolerance will normally disappear.  I would highly recommend this.

Please be also aware that you may be ok with food but when it is combined you will become intolerant - so you are ok with cheese and bread but together they cause you a problem - this is why journally every day is so good 

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