Tuesday 10 October 2017

Why excess weight is nothing to do with overeating

Hi everyone

I am so excited to announce that my new website is ready wwwannparker.co.uk - cannot believe that that domain name was still available!  So it now includes my life coaching, weight loss and animal work.  So contact me on ann@annparker.co.uk for more information!

So do you have trouble losing weight?  I have for years - I was 12lb when I was born and have lived on a diet ever since!  It was when I visited a therapist who did 'muscle testing' and she asked my body if I wanted to lose weight and I couldn't believe it when my body replied "NO"!  I have now spent 20 years working out why I don't want to and I have lost masses of weight/water but have a couple of stone to go.  But I am now convinced that I am on the right track and I want to share my knowledge with you!

One of the main reasons that people are overweight is that they don't feel safe.  This could be because they were abused or raped or that when they were slim they received masses of unwelcome male attention which made them feel unsafe.  This is quite a difficult pattern to reverse because your subconscious's main concern is your safety.

You may feel unsafe in your area or in the world with everything that is happening.  Your subconscious may add weight to make you feel safe.  Of course this doesn't work so we have to change your subconscious's beliefs that making you fat and miserable is not protecting you from terrorism!

When you were slim before you may have got pregnant, or divorced or another trauma so your subconscious is keeping the weight on so this doesnt happen again.

For all those people who have lost a lot of weight and put it back on again we know that that is not due to what we are eating.  Having dieted, exercised and worked on our beliefs we wouldn't go back to eating and put the weight on in a couple of months!  The reason the weight goes back on again (and you seem helpless to stop it) is that your subconscious has just realised what has happened and it doesn't like it so it slaps the weight back on as quickly as possible!  Not very helpful from our point of view but it is for your subconscious.

Excess weight is more than just overeating - I starved myself for years so my subconscious filled my body with excess water which I couldnt get rid of.  It was only when I worked on myself, my fears and my beliefs that the weight started to come off!

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