Tuesday 24 October 2017

How do past lives affect your weight?

If you have a weight problem and have trouble losing it or keeping it off, you may be affected by past lives.  What tripe I hear you say!  But it is true and I can vouch for it because it has affected me!  I was 12 lb when I was born and have been on a diet ever since doing at least 1 hours exercise a day and sometimes three.  People would always say to me, "If you did another hour that would work" or "You dont eat enough" or "You must eat too much"!  People who dont have a weight problem dont understand!  When I got out and drink water and have a starter for a main course I am surrounded by people eating three courses with alcohol (over 3,000 calories) so they assume I must eat this plus!  I have had people come up to me in the streets and tell me to eat more fruit and veg (I am a veggie!) or tell me to do more exercise!  Actually I think this is insulting as I wouldnt dream of going up to somebody and saying you are ugly!

So when I started down a spiritual path I started to look at past lives and I was amazed how they are affecting our lives now from health, weight, through to money and success.  So I started to look at the past lives that had caused me problems:

1. I had died many times from malnutrition
2. I had died many times from thirst
3. In Africa centuries ago if you were large it showed you were wealthy
4. I had had past lives in the South Pacific where the body structure is larger
5. I had had many poor lives of lack and this now equates to weight gain in this life (money and weight are connected)
6. I had been raped etc and the weight was for protection
7. I had had jobs where I had to be large (fat lady in a circus, sumo wrestler) so if I lost weight I would have lost my job
8. The weight in this life was punishment for me laughing at overweight people in different lives
9. The weight was punishment for me because of the negative things I had done in past lives

This is to name but just a few.  When I have clients with a weight problem one of the first areas I clear is past lives otherwise the weight will not come off as the subconscious will hold onto it for grim death!  Why not contact me on ann@annparker.co.uk to find out what past lives are causing your weight problems and remove them.

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