Monday 30 October 2017

Have you ever asked your body what it actually wants??!!

Have you ever asked your body elemental what it actually wants? By Ann Parker

I have had a weight problem all my life and I have been on every diet going, starved myself for 7 years, cut out total food groups and done three hours exercise a day!  So my personality/ego/conscious brain thought they were doing the right thing for me but not once did I ask my body what it wanted or needed.  What I have been shown over the last six months is that you need to be in tune with your body elemental as it absolutely knows what is best for you.  Your body elemental is a ‘spiritual’ part of your body (similar to your higher self) that absolutely knows 100% what is best for you and your body.  So it knows what you should eat, what supplements you should take and what exercise you should do.

The best way to get in touch with this part of you is to go into deep meditation and ask for it to come forward.  Talk to it like you would talk to your best friend.  Ask it what its name is and really get to know it.  Thank it for trying to help you and say that you are sorry that you may not have been listening!!

If we don’t listen to our body elemental we could become ill – a lot of people have stress that is now affecting their adrenals – but you most probably have been given signs that you are on the verge of burnout but you have ignored them.  I know this because I worked for 14 hours a day for 25 years with a severely underactive thyroid and then got to the state of adrenal collapse. I couldn’t stop ‘doing’ and felt guilty if I sat down and did nothing – sound familiar?  I know somebody whose body elemental was trying to get him to slow down and when he didn’t listen he had three accidents – he thought he was unlucky but I knew his body elemental would make him rest in the end and it did by breaking his leg!

If you dowse with a pendulum or use muscle testing to ask questions, I would still suggest that you phrase your questions like this “Can I ask my body elemental if it wants to do hot yoga?”. So you are still being very particular and narrowing down the response.  So these are just a few examples of questions:

Can I ask my body elemental:

1.     Do you want me to take a multi vitamin

2.     Does it have everything in it I need

3.     Do I need to take it every day

4.     If so for how long

5.     If I don’t need to take it every day how often do I take it and for how long


1.     Do you want me to cut out wheat/diary/whole food groups

2.     If so for how long

3.     If not what can I continue to eat

4.     Should I eat it with other things such as protein, bread, pasta etc


1.     Do you want me to go on this detox/juice diet

2.     If so what would you like me to have in the juice

3.     How long would you like me to do it for

4.     If not what would you like me to do instead


1.     Do you want me exercise now

2.     If yes what would you like me to do and for how long

3.     If no why not and when can I exercise in the future

4.     Am I doing the right exercise for me

Recently I discovered the benefits of Kefir and was very excited and I asked if it was OK for me to take it and I got absolutely!  However, I didn’t ask how often and for how long – big mistake!  I was OK for a couple of days and expected to feel really good and then I was really ill – and disappointed!  When I asked how often a week I was supposed to take it my body elemental said twice and that I had also been taking too much at one go – so I didn’t get anything right then did I!  If you take supplements or herbs don’t assume that you should take them every day.  In fact, don’t assume anything!  Ask if your body elemental wants the biscuit in your hand, or the glass of wine or cake you are about to consume!  If it says NO but you really want it explain to your body elemental that you would really like it but that you will be healthy from then on!

 Why not contact me for more information on weight loss at




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