Monday 22 June 2015

Do you really want to lose weight? I bet you dont!!

please contact me on for a session

I was 12lb when I was born and I then suffered with being overweight most of my life.  When I reached puberty I really whacked it on and then suffered with 3 weeks pms water retention a month so never lost weight again!  My mother had me on a diet from the minute I was born and as soon as she could, she got me on an exercise routine.  I remember spending hours on a chair doing leg exercises (because I had fat legs apparently!) and was made to run up and down stairs.  Nothing shifted the weight which made my mother even worse!!  Everything I ate was analysed and I was made to feel a freak.

I did lose weight a couple of times (I now know why as I had to attract my husband and various jobs) and when I was slim I was gorgeous and attractive.  So suddenly I was made redundant and the weight started to pack on - but not for the reason you think which would be to do with overeating. 

My subconscious had decided that I was too attractive and that it was only a matter of time before I left my husband and ran off with somebody else and that I wasnt safe.  So it took me out of a male situation and I ended up with my own beauty salon!  I then spent 17 years trawling from therapist to therapist and spending a fortune to find out why I couldnt lose weight.  It was only when I met somebody who would diagnose using muscle testing that she told me THAT I DIDNT WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!  Well you could have knocked me over with a feather as I would have denied this.  But it just shows that you dont know what your subconscious is doing to you - and we are 95% subconscious!  So then I had to start investigating why:

1. I had been sexually abused from the ages of 3 to 6 and didnt want to be a woman - hence the weight on when I reached puberty
2. I didnt feel safe when I was slim as I was attractive and got too much attention
3. I had had various rapes/date rapes and was worried this was going to happen again
4. I had died of starvation/thirst in various past lives and this was causing me to hang onto the water and weight in this life.  I felt I wouldnt survive if I lost the weight

There were lots of other reasons but by god it took some shifting!!  If your subconscious doesnt want you to do something it can take a long time believe me! But I can now shift this for you so dont suffer in silence anymore!

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