Tuesday 26 November 2019

Why my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential could be the best Christmas present ever!

contact me on ann@annparker.co.uk

Over the last 25 years I have read every weight loss book on the market and they have all promised instant weight loss, usually doing one thing.  This thing could be juicing, shakes, walking, a particular diet, a particular exercise - the list goes on.  But the real truth is that it is not one thing, but many!

The main reason for a weight problem is that your subconscious wants to hold extra weight and until you crack this you may lose the weight but you will put it back on.  You see in the press all the time that people have lost 100 lbs only to put it back and more in three months - usually going back to their old eating habits are blamed.  This is not true because as anybody knows who has lost a lot of weight you wouldnt put it back on and how could it possibly go back on so quickly - people take years to put on 100 lb!  It is because your subconscious has realised you are slim and the old traumas, patterns, ancestral reasons kick in big time and even if you are still being careful the weight will go on.  In my case my subconscious knew I would just starve so it filled me with water which I couldnt lose whatever I did.

Yes you need to cut your calories and do exercise but this has to be the best one for you.  This is based on what you like, what your body type is and and what your body wants - I use muscle testing for this as everybody is different and my book teaches you how to muscle test so you can find out what suits you.  I have know loads of people lose a lot of weight without exercising.  I know a lot of slim people who overeat, emotionally eat, have cravings, eat junk food and they dont put on weight - so there must be more reasons.  I used to do over three hours exercise a day and it made no difference!  I got thrown out of Weight Watchers and Slimming World for putting on weight because my metabolism is too slow and I have to eat very little in small quantities. 

Allergies and intolerances need to be eliminated so get an intolerance test done.  You can get a voucher on Groupon and start to keep a food diary as you can see when something upsets you.  Also please remember that when you combine foods they can cause water retention or problems - hence the food diary.

Nutrition is very important so you will most probably need to take supplements.  Breathing is very important to get rid of the toxins and to speed up the metabolism.  If you have a low thyroid it is almost impossible to lose weight.  My book explains in great detail what you have to do, buy and if packed full of techniques and advice.  You most probably will need an appetite suppressant or learn how to use Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to release the traumas, low self esteem or other reasons why you cant lose weight - this information is all in my book.

My books is written from over 25 years of experience from myself and my clients.  It is backed up by research and science and is full of funny personal antedotes!!  I would suggest buying the paperback as it is a book that you will be dipping into over the next few years.

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