Wednesday 13 November 2019

Why does your subconscious use weight as protection?

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So I am now fully recovered from my hip operation and feel like a million dollars!  As I was ill on holiday and had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics I have also lost some more weight and was feeling really good about myself.  So I started to wear tighter fitting clothes, makeup and jewellry and I was getting loads of compliments!!  So what happened - suddenly I went from not eating to uncontrollably eating everything in sight - horror shock horror.  I never do this and it makes me feel out of control, a pig and that I will put back all my weight.

So after a day when I realised I could do something to stop this, I did a session on myself and guess what I found?  My subconscious had gone into panic mode, didnt feel safe and was trying to pack the weight back on again!  I thought I had cleared all of this as I have been working on this for years and managed to get down to a UK size 18 which I was quite happy with - or rather my subconscious was happy with!

When I was three I was sexually abused which first lead to my weight problem.  As an adult I lost weight and was very attractive and received masses amount of attention from men.  I also had a few date rape episodes ..... I travelled a lot for work and it was so bad that you couldnt even go down for dinner.  When I was working in Mexico for two months one day I had 30 hits from men (my colleague and I compared notes every day!).  So you can see why I then put the weight back on and why my subconscious went into melt down the minute I started to get compliments.

I am still working through this as safety is a very strong survival issue and the subconscious takes some healing to release it.  But now I am hopeful that I will get down to a 16.

You see weight is very rarely to do with food but the underlying reasons why your subconscious wants to eat.  You need to heal those before the weight will stay off for good.  And even then a situation may trigger a reaction, like this had for me.  So if you think this is you, why not contact me for a session or buy my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential on Amazon and find out the root cause of your weight problem.

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