Thursday 2 February 2017

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I have discovered an amazing new technique called SWITCHWORDS and I am very excited about it!  We have all chanted affirmations for years, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't seem to however hard you try!

Switchwords activate the subconscious not just reprogram it as affirmations do.  Switchwords can be chanted 10 times or 28 times (or what suits you) as often as you can a day. Affirmations reprogram the subconsious but if the subconscious doesn't believe what is being said or it is triggering a pattern or block, it will not let itself be programmed.  The Switchwords may mean nothing to you but that is great because they bypass the ego and conscious and go straight to the subconscious and do their work!  They really are amazing!

Switchwords can be used with EFT and you can also use muscle testing to see what are the best phrases for you.  Chanting with water is good so try and chant in the bath or the shower. You may want to try chanting them in different orders as it may feel better another way around.  You may want to add colours to the phrases.  I use gold and purple a lot.  Even though they don’t make sense to you, they make sense to your subconscious!

Chants should be used for at least 21 days and then look to see if they still resonate with your or you need to move onto something new.  When chanting blocked emotions, patterns etc may rise so make sure you write everything down that comes up.

Words like Divine are used but it is not a technique linked to religion.  Divine is another word for the universe and everything in it so you can use it quite happily - it just seems to add an extra edge to the reprogramming and makes it quicker.  For example, when I chanted PROSPER, up came thoughts like "greedy, money grabbing" which I thought I had cleared a long time ago (but obviously not!!).  So I started to chant DIVINE PROSPER and that felt really good and no other thoughts, patterns or blocks came up.
Tips to start with:

DIVINE – this changes the chant to be much more spiritual, especially around money

TOGETHER  - TOGETHER is the master Switchword that works for everything. You can chant it on its own, or combine it with other Switchwords you like.

TOGETHER-DIVINE-BE (help me accept and embrace my path; help me be well. BE is the Switchwords for peace and wellness.)

LOVE-TOGETHER-528 HERTZ (for love and healing)

TOGETHER-FIFTY THREE (take responsibility; move forward). FIFTY-THREE is an angel number and a Switchword, so it is very powerful. It brings you a sense of knowing and self-direction.

Add in DIVINE if it feels right. You can test it by chanting it aloud, for example TOGETHER-DIVINE-FIFTY THREE might feel stronger for you than TOGETHER-FIFTY THREE.

HUM – helps align the chakras; harmonises your internal energy. You can chant a long HUM and see how it feels in your body. You might sense any energy blocks within you if you visualise the HUM moving from the base of your spine through your chakras up and beyond the crown of your head. For example, your HUM might feel weaker around your solar plexus.

CARE-JUDGE – helps improve memory

THANKS-TOMORROW – release. Can help stop self-sabotage.

Start with these and I will be blogging about how to use these switchwords to manifest money next week!

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