Thursday, 5 December 2019

Do you know what a 'Weight Set Point Is?'

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Do you know what a set point is?  It is a figure that your subconscious has created from your experiences and it refers to weight and money.  These two set points work in different ways though.  the money one wont let you earn more and the weight one wont let you weight loss - so they work the other way around but are basically stopping you doing what you want!

When I was in software contracting I earned a lot of money.  But when I looked over my accounts and compared the years, I virtually earned the same amount - despite time off in between contracts and different rates.  Why is this?  Because my subconscious decided that I wasnt allowed/deserved/ safe (or any other reason) to earn more than I did.  So it adjusted my situation so that the figure would be the same - yes your subconscious really is that powerful!  So I had to release my trauma, change my beliefs and then my money set point rose.  So even now if I suspect that my subconscious is trying to stop me earning more, I take a step back and look at what has come up.  Remember everything is in layers so although you think you may have cleared a certain belief or trauma another aspect may be displaying itself for healing.

So your subconscious will definately have a set point for your weight.  This again is based on trauma, beliefs, patterns and blocks.  This will also explain why you can't lose weight or if you lose weight you will put it back on virtually immediately.  The press is full of articles saying that people who have lost a lot of weight will put it back on because they go back to their old eating ways.  That is not true - if you have lost a lot of weight there is no way you would put it all back in three months.  You may put back a few pounds but not everything.  This is because your subconscious realises that you are below your set point and will pull out all the stops to putting the weight back on - and it seems like you have no control over it and seem to be sleep walking through the entire time!  I know this because it has happened to me many times.

Also you may have worked on your set point but a trigger like sexual attention may send your subconscious into meltdown and it will reinstate the old set point virtually immediately - this has recently happened to a client of mine.

So can it be changed?  Yes of course it can!  Firstly you need to meditate and ask your subconscious what your set point is.  If you get no response imagine what it would be. 

1. Look and heal traumas that have made you fearful - death, accidents, sexual abuse/rape/attention
2. Look at patterns of using your weight so you dont have to do something
3. Look at your eating patterns and see how they relate to triggers and traumas
4. Look at what happened in your life from birth to 7 and see whether you were loved and nutured or what messages you were given about food.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a great way of starting to release all of the above and decrease your weight set point.  It is good to work on the traumas and patterns first before you start to put in the positive.  Or book an appointment with me...........

Start tapping on "My weight set point is ....... and my subconscious is really happy at this level" - do this every day and watch if any memories, thoughts, pictures or anything else comes up and then tap on that as well.

Buy my book Unlock Your Maximum Weight Loss Potential and this will really help you - and why not do it with your money set point as well!

Monday, 2 December 2019

Is it worth putting on 10 lb over Christmas?

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So people seem to throw caution to the wind and eat what they like from November!  When I had a beauty/toning table salon I couldnt believe that people left mid November and didnt come back until end of January - I thought people would be exercising up until Christmas and then immediately getting back to it afterwards but how wrong could I be!

What with all the party food, mince pies, drink, chocolate and nuts, Christmas Parties and then eating and drinking for a least 4 days over Christmas the weight (and water retention) can pile on.  I know if I did this I would put on at least 14 lb (a UK stone) which would then take me a good three months to get off - and is it worth it?  Certainly not to me!

Also it means that it will increase your stomach size and your appetite which means it will be harder to get it under control when you go back to dieting.  And it means you will eat more over the Christmas period!

If you are eating like this it also means that you havent got to the bottom of your eating problems.  Do you think it gives you a licence to eat?  Do you feel deprived if you dont eat what other people are eating? Do you have cravings or are you emotionally eating over this period because of spending time with families, or grief or another reason?

I knew somebody who had lost a lot of weight and went on a cruise where she preceded to eat everything every day, including afternoon tea.  This shows that she hasnt healed her problems and it took her over 4 months to get the weight off from one weeks eating!  I am not saying that she couldnt have one afternoon tea, but why every day?

So you need to understand why you suddenly drop the exercise and healthy eating routine that you have worked hard on all year?  Clear what comes up using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping).

If you are going to over do it, cut down the day before and the day after because excess calories store as water for 48 hours so you could lose it before it turns to fat.  This also means that your stomach wont stretch.

Go back to healthy eating the day after Boxing Day (26th in the UK) and throw out or freeze anything that might tempt you - dont let that old excuse of having to eat all the left overs up!

Watch the alcohol as this will put on excess water and make you eat!

Drink a glass of water reasonably slowly 30 minutes before a meal which will fill you up

Ask for treats rather than food for presents - vouchers for treatments, body lotions for pampering, manicures etc

Put a little bit of everything on your plate and always leave something - you dont have to eat everything!

If you are going to a party eat before you go so you are not tempted to pick on sausage rolls!

Remember with peanuts that people may not have washed their hands so this should stop you digging in!  And that they may have sneezed all over the party food!

If you feel you are going to eat more, then do some tapping before you eat.  Change your beliefs from I need to eat as it is Christmas to I eat to satisfy me and I stop when I am full

Set yourself a target that you will actually lose weight over Christmas rather than put it on and buy yourself something nice in the sales to wear!

Imagine how great you will feel on January 1st being able to get into your clothes easily and with a clear, sparkling complexion!  This is so much more important than food which you will have totally forgotten by now!